It looks nice but why the sudden need for yet another Bible? What I'm seeing is another product that they can sell to their 8 million built in JW customers.
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
New Study Bible Photos!
by Atlantis innew study bible photos from reddit if you want them.
these are a bit larger photos.
see first page for info.. .
What would happen if Jepthas daughter disobeyed and got married anyway?
by nowawake14 inwould jehovah kill her?
or would she be shunned by her religion as a whole?
say anything you would think of..
Pete Zahut
Pete Zahut, can I assume you are a man? Then, I can understand why it doesn't matter to you. Women might not view it the same way. It is a reminder to jw women how low they are in the hierarchy in the WTS. Probably lower than a dog.
Yes I'm a man and believe it or not, it does matter to me what happens to women. Lot's of men (the majority) do care very much but typically, just as it is in many areas of life, one only hears about those who are doing the wrong thing. Men(especially white men) are the last societal group left where it's OK to stereotype them unfairly based on the actions of the few.
In re-reading my comment, I suppose I could have been more clear. My intent was to sarcastically point out the irony that in the Bible, even when they have a significant part in many of the noteworthy accounts, women are so lowly that they often aren't even mentioned by name ie: Jeptha's daughter, Lot's Wife and Daughters.
What would happen if Jepthas daughter disobeyed and got married anyway?
by nowawake14 inwould jehovah kill her?
or would she be shunned by her religion as a whole?
say anything you would think of..
Pete Zahut
I would think no Jewish man would have married her knowing of her father's vow to God.
Jeptha's daughter didn't even get her name mentioned in the story so why should anyone wonder how things went for her...she was only a woman ?
I wonder how things went for lot's daughters in that regard. Neither were mentioned by name but both endured the trauma of seeing their own mother smitten before their own eyes. Both were unmarried and intentionally had children by their own father. Even Jerry Springer would think twice about discussing that situation.
Our Spiritual Heritage of Failed Expectations
by neat blue dog inlast sunday's watchtower tells the story of a man who:.
was baptized in 1908 at the age of 20. he was very confident that he would soon receive his reward.
in fact, when he proposed marriage in 1911, he told his prospective bride, pearl: “you know what is going to happen in 1914. if we are going to get married, we better do it soon!” did this christian couple give up the race for life when they did not receive their heavenly reward in 1914?
Pete Zahut
I would think they'd shy away from saying anything that reminded everyone how wrong they were about 1914 and or saying anything about people who thought they were going to live forever but ended up dying before the new system came. I imagine such an example might have the opposite effect that they thought it would....they are so dumb.
He told his prospective bride, Pearl: “You know what is going to happen in 1914. If we are going to get married, we better do it soon!”
Pearl: " You're the Cat's Pajamas even though you're a Russelite but even so, I know that the Bible say's "Cast not your Pearl before as far as I'm concerned, the engagement is off !
“You know how I know that they're finished out there? The carts.”
by Athanasius inthe watchtower's many legal problems and the jws' use of carts in their preaching work, reminded me of a scene and dialog from the film patton.. in a scene where patton is viewing a battle site the morning after, he says to an aide about the nazis: “you know how i know that they're finished out there?
in my dreams i saw the carts.
they kept buzzing around in my head and i couldn't figure out why.
Pete Zahut
A friend of mine just got back from Disneyland. He said there were JW's with carts stationed outside the Disneyland Hotel where he was staying .
He said "I'll bet they never have to restock those one was paying any attention to them. The only reason I knew what they were doing was because you told me about them. What a huge waste of time....why don't they just attach a rack to the wall with a sign that says "TAKE ONE"?
News from the 2019 Annual Meeting
by RubaDub inthe annual meeting (2019) is happening as i am posting this.. any comments yet or information from what is being presented?.
rub a dub.
Pete Zahut
Remember how we were all "encouraged" to each have our own personal subscription to the Watchtower? It was a sure fire way for them to bring in a steady income that they could count on receiving from their built in customer base.
I'm waiting for them to announce that in the spirit of loyalty and appreciation for Jehovahs loving arrangements, all spiritually mature JW's must have an online subscription so they can log on to jworg and access the materials needed for the up coming meeting.
8 million JW's paying $5 per month could garner them an extra $480 million per year.
U.S. Supreme Court Denies Watchtower’s Certiorari Plea
by Jerome56 in
Pete Zahut
Because of that the judge ruled that Watchtower should pay over 4 million dollars to the plaintiff.
They'll probably hold one day A$$emblies every month until that little annoyance from Satan, is cleared up.
Netflix “Explained: Cults”
by Butterfly607 inhas anyone else seen the netflix documentary “explained: cults”?
i thought it was well done.
i feel like a jw might watch it and feel uncomfortable as the show goes through the definition of cults and then the step by step indoctrination process.
Pete Zahut
Has anyone else seen the Netflix documentary “Explained: Cults”?
No, but now that you've brought it to my attention, I will....Thanks !
Post convention grumps..
by zeb inhm of you with a divided house have to put up with this?
in this house its walking a mine field.. also our little cat has been gone for some 24 hours and her absence is also my fault apparently..
Pete Zahut
Sorry bout' your cat...ours showed up after being gone for a week or so. Hope yours does too.
I'm trying to think back to my days as JW and how I felt after the assemblies and here's what I think the possibilities are.
- Assembly is over and it's back to reality which is not as fun as being in an imagined "spiritual paradise" mock Disneyland.
- Assembly is over and I'm exhausted from sitting for so long and from hearing about all the stuff I'm supposed to be doing which seems like an impossibility.
- Assembly is over and my life isn't as perfect as it's supposed to be and it's all your fault...if only you'd get over yourself and get with the program like everyone else is.
- Assembly is over and being there just didn't fill the void I'm feeling lately. The whole things seems more and more like a hoax. It's your fault for making me see the holes in the logic that used to make me feel good.
Self Limiting Beliefs
by abishephard inleft the jw’s as a teenager; as with most exjws i have struggled throughout the years with being a successful adult.
i have recently starting addressing some of the psychological trauma of my childhood, and i wonder if anyone else here can identify with any of these self limiting beliefs:.
- pursuit of wealth is bad (i.e.
Pete Zahut
Having your own thoughts without first referring to someone in authority was/ is discouraged . I remember people discussing things and they'd say "Lets look it up in the bound volumes to see what the current "thinking" is " What an odd expression.
Also, being strong willed or having "gumption" was not looked upon as being a good thing. They liked you to check your spine at the door, when entering the Kingdom Hall.